5 Most Stunning Predictions of All Time

We will not get into the debate of whether ‘super-humans’ have psychic powers or not, instead we will present the most important predictions of all time that have apparently resulted in the factual happenings. 

Mens latest fashion trends have always been fluctuating but fitness, health and grooming needs are eternal.   

Men new style might be hotly debated topic, but how to get a good health can be largely predicted based on one’s lifestyle and habits . On the similar lines, we bring you some unpredictable predictions that might make you believer in prophecies. 

#1 The Predictions of Mark Twain - The celebrated American author is known to have special powers, it is widely believed that he predicted his own death. Born in 1835 when Halley’s Comet was visible, Twain predicted that he would also die during a time when Halley’s Comet was visible. Accurately, he died in 1910, when the comet was once again visible in the night sky.
He also foresaw his brother’s death in a scary dream that saw him lying in a coffin between two chairs in his sister’s living room. The dream came true after few weeks, when Twain’s brother was suddenly killed, which he saw also the exact version in reality.
#2 The Predictions of George Orwell - In 1948, when Orwell wrote 1984, television technology was in its infancy and cameras were big and cumbersome. He predicted technologically advanced gadgets similar to CCTV, Mobiles that we today see as a reality. He is also known for correctly predicting future advancements in aesthetics. Face Transplant as predicted by him, became reality in 2005.

#3 Predictions of Jules Verne - In 1865, more than 100 years before Apollo 11, this man wrote about humankind's first trip to the moon in a short story titled, "From the Earth to the Moon." With no knowledge about gravity, he foresaw that the the rocket would be launched from Florida, the name of the ship, the correct number of astronauts aboard, and the feeling of weightlessness!

 #2 Predictions of H.G. Wells – In way back in 1914, novel ‘The World Set Free’ described a city-destroying "atomic bomb." Although Wells did not know if or how nuclear detonation could really happen, as he did not knew much about radioactive elements.
#1 Predictions of Scrubs series- In a 2006 episode of the hilarious TV series Scrubs, the janitor makes an weird comment to J.D about Bin Laden secret hiding in Pakistan.  U.S. soldiers did indeed find the terrorist hiding in a well-guarded house in Pakistan!

Stay Groomed. Stay Updated. malegroomingacademy.com 


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