3 Dates In History That Changed The World.

As there are some unspoken rules that you need follow before you enter into a relationship, there are also few rules before you adopt current fashion trends for men , and there are also some unspoken dates in recorded history that ‘changed the game’ altogether. Slowly and gradually the dates were responsible for unleashing new era, the turning point in history. Unlike ever-changing new fashion trends for men , these dates are still regarded as the most memorable dates in history. #1. 12th March, 1930 - The Defiant March - Gandhi’s march to Dandi, 240 miles away, in 25 days for a few grains of salt was in defiance to the British tax that forced locals to pay prices for the compound up to 2,000% greater than its production costs. This one march lead thousands of Indian villagers to follow him into the sea to extract salt themselves. With this move, Gandhiji began the nonviolent civil disobedience movement that resulted in end of the British Empire. ...