Most Unusual Things That Happen Only in India!

India is truly a land of extremes, not only geographically but also socially and factually. On one hand you will find men who adore new fashion for men in India , on the other you will also find who live just with minimalistic pleasures of life. According to MALEGROOMINGACADEMY.COM that advises celebrities, sportsmen and players on fitness, styling, fashion and grooming suggests that there are men who are always tuned to the current fashion trends for men , you will also find men who only listen to the by-gone era and both types of ecstasies make India the most extraordinary nation in the world. 1. The Bullet God, Located at the Bullet Baba Shrine, Bandai, Rajasthan, India you have to visit this place to believe it. It is perhaps only place in the world, where bike is worshiped as a God! Right from flowers to liquor bottles are offered to please the deity. ( Refer to Who are the smartest CEOs in the World) ...